Monday, December 14, 2009

Alternative Therapies

Ayurveda for Weight Loss

The Ayurvedic
Ayurveda is what helps us balance our whole physiology. And ayurveda is the ancient healing system of India, the system believes in combining in one meal something called the six tastes.One of its components is the application of the six tastes within the food that we eat. And the six tastes help literally to create balance in our physiology. The six tastes are sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent. And all of our food falls into one of those six categories. For example, sweet is any of your grains, pastas, sweet ripe fruits, something like cardamom. Cinnamon, nutmeg, those are all sweet spices. Salty, of course, is salt, or seaweed products, things that come from the ocean. There are some, like cucumber, with a high salt content.

Sour is anything that's citrus, tomato products, anything with acidic or fermented qualities to it. Bitter is usually anything that is of a green or yellow nature, so anything like green and yellow squash. Cilantro — most of these Greek herbs fall into that category. Leeks, things like that are also bitter. And then pungent basically are all the hot spices, or the spicy components that heat up our system. Those are pungent. And then astringent is something like tofu, any beans, legumes. These are very dry and compact into the system. So, in various food, you can actually consume the six tastes within each meal, and feel the effects of that balance after the meal, throughout the day, and in general, in your whole physiology.

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